Supporting and celebrating healthier, more loving and meaningful lives and families, free from addiction, one day and hug at a time!

During Treatment

During Treatment

1. Breathe

Just Breath Kids (

2. Prepare how you want to respond to tough phone calls and recognize ups and downs are often a part of the process, including supporting your loved one. Reinforce your loved one's decision to seek help. 

How You Can Help (

Supporting a loved one dealing with mental and/or substance use disorders - Conversation Guide (

Supporting Your Loved One - PDF

3. Communicate questions that you have regarding treatment process and next steps with counselor. Encourage your loved one to include you in the treatment process by opening a release of information.

4. Recognizing that there will be ongoing recommendations and steps following treatment, familiarize yourself with recommendations and resources, i.e., what does insurance cover and not cover, what is feasible, alternatives if needed? (Talk with your insurance provider).

After Addiction Treatment | Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment (

Long-Term Recovery Support | Alcohol Treatment Navigator | NIAAA (

FAQs: Searching for Alcohol Treatment | Navigator | NIAAA (

5. During and post treatment, seek ongoing support for yourself and other family members. (Education family programs, therapist, support groups, etc)

Support for Families of Addicts | Family Program | Hazelden Betty Ford Helping Families Help

Consult your Employee Assistance Program and Health Insurance card

Take part in the Healthy Relationships Program with the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation. 

Family Resources - The Daily Pledge

Taking Care of Yourself | Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

Twelve Step Alumni Meetings - Hazelden Betty Ford Chapter Meetings

Family Services Orientation: Your first step in family support

This family program is intended to support anyone (families, parents, spouses/partners, friends or support persons) that know someone that struggles with addition and mental health. 

Available in English and Español. Also available for Native Americans.

Recommended Reading

Visit the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation page on

Find Hazelden Betty Ford resources on our page.

Substance Use Disorders

Understanding the science behind substance use disorders and the recovery process, with a brief overview of co-occurring disorders.

Healthy Relationships Workshops

These 4 consecutive 90-minute workshops have been developed to specifically support you and provide you with helpful skills to navigate what to say, how to ask and clarify your role with your loved one. Find out more here.

Website made possible by the HAZELDEN BETTY FORD FOUNDATION

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