Supporting and celebrating healthier, more loving and meaningful lives and families, free from addiction, one day and hug at a time!

Saturday's Chat Recovery Meeting

8 pm - Living Recovery Nightly (Open to All!)

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Pledge Now to Live Another 24 Hours in Recovery

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  • Another 24 for me today
  • 24 more please
  • 24 more please for a better healthier me!
  • Pledging 24 more hours of sobriety
  • Good morning (((Everyone))). I'm happily in with my pledge to stay sober today. Hope you all have a good and sober Fri.
  • I thankfully pledge another day of sobriety
  • Happiness to pledging 24 hours sober 🤠
  • 24 more!

  • Pledging for today
  • So happy to wake up sober again! 24 more.
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Sobriety Reflection Questions

Stop by this page often to ask yourself the important questions and check in on the specifics of your recovery. 

Write a Meditation for a New Hazelden Book

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One Word

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More Words

One Word not enough? Try Two Words or Seven Words(!) in the Discussions area


10588883087?profile=RESIZE_710x "Yesterday's Home Runs don't win Today's Games"
~Babe Ruth~

       Not drinking is success. That's it in a nutshell. When anyone doesn't drink one day at a time everything that poisoned and so negatively consequenced our lives dissapates and goes away. Having accomplished what…

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Should I?.....Taking Risks in Recovery


"If you never attempt, never ask, or ever leave the comfort zone, the answer will always be "no" and everything will stay the same."
~ thomas ~

      Seems that taking risks to get what I want from recovery and life itself has just become a way of life…

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On This Day (#OTD)

Thought for the Day

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I'm Grateful Today Because ...

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  • I am grateful for the gift of desperation that allowed me to be teachable!
  • I am grateful for learning to love myself again.
  • I am grateful to have found wisdom Is to why It all happen the way it did and for all of you here who give my comfort knowing I am not alone. Thankful for the community.
  • I am another day sober. Learning tools for my toolbox.
  • My husband is so supportive of me successful with recovery
  • Admin
    A good walk in the trees
  • when my attitude is one of giving and understanding there's always a special and fulfilling outcome.
  • it's fulfilling to pause and seek God's guidance and his will for me throughout my experiences of the day.
  • I'm learning to be open to observing Gods spirit in all things I observe in my life.
  • I'm practicing a new coping skill. Mindfulness through meditation.
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      Gratefully carrying forward the legacy of SOBER24, est. Dec. 4, 2000