Supporting and celebrating healthier, more loving and meaningful lives and families, free from addiction, one day and hug at a time!

Sobriety Reflection Questions

Recovery Reflection Questions

This page is a resource to help you consider--as often as daily--the degree to which you are engaging in some of the more common recovery practices.

Such prompts can become a helpful part of a recovery plan. You might even consider tracking your answers to these questions in a journal.


Did you stay sober yesterday?

Did you pray to a higher power of your understanding?

Did you attend any meetings? If so, did you share in the meeting(s)? What's one thing you got at the meeting(s) that meant something to you?

Did you speak with a sponsor, recovery coach or other mentor?

Did you take a personal inventory to consider your challenges and strenghs and what you want to continue, change or work on?

What's one strength or positive trait that you can work on enhancing?

Did you do any inspirational/meditative reading?

Did you help a fellow person who is in or seeking recovery? (Give a ride, make the coffee, talk to before or after meetings, etc.)

Did you take time to think about what you are grateful for?

Did you compliment or express gratitude to a loved one?

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      Gratefully carrying forward the legacy of SOBER24, est. Dec. 4, 2000