Supporting and celebrating healthier, more loving and meaningful lives and families, free from addiction, one day and hug at a time!

Saturday's Chat Recovery Meeting

8 pm - Living Recovery Nightly (Open to All!)

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Pledge Now to Live Another 24 Hours in Recovery

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  • Pledging my 1st, 24 hours of recovery.
  • Pledgeing my first 24.
    • Welcome, Seanie! So happy you're here. See ya tomorrow.
    • Good Job! Sobriety Is Life Changing!
    • Yee haw!
  • Pledging another 24 and to do my very best in service of others.
  • 🌄 Good morning, ((((( All ))))). Gratefully pledging 24 hours living in recovery together with all of you.❤️

    "When you wonder what is coming, tell yourself the best is coming, the very best life and love have to offer, the Universe has to send. Then open your hands to receive it. Claim it, and it is yours."
    -Melody Beattie
  • Happy new year community! Grateful to make the pledge for another 24
  • 24 more!
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Sobriety Reflection Questions

Stop by this page often to ask yourself the important questions and check in on the specifics of your recovery. 

Write a Meditation for a New Hazelden Book

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One Word

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  • snow storm
  • celebration!
  • Gratefullness
  • Transformative
  • Rejuvenate
  • Grateful
  • Amazed
  • Understanding
  • Order
  • Precious
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More Words

One Word not enough? Try Two Words or Seven Words(!) in the Discussions area


10588883087?profile=RESIZE_710x "Yesterday's Home Runs don't win Today's Games"
~Babe Ruth~

       Not drinking is success. That's it in a nutshell. When anyone doesn't drink one day at a time everything that poisoned and so negatively consequenced our lives dissapates and goes away. Having accomplished what…

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Should I?.....Taking Risks in Recovery


"If you never attempt, never ask, or ever leave the comfort zone, the answer will always be "no" and everything will stay the same."
~ thomas ~

      Seems that taking risks to get what I want from recovery and life itself has just become a way of life…

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On This Day (#OTD)

Thought for the Day

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I'm Grateful Today Because ...

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  • The love and support of my family keeps me strong.
  • You are here!
  • Oddly my presents from Christmas are just as thoughtful and cool as they were yesterday!
  • For Tidings of Great Joy....Peace, Goodwill for Everyone.
  • I’m surrounded by my family
  • I am steady, organized, and feel a higher level of peace.
  • My Hazelden Fellowship while in recovery. Without them … no success. Thank you for watching over me gentlemen!
  • I am grateful for Trust to drive to my 3rd meeting on the outside after finish BFC Rancho Mirage and being able to be sober. For my children I got to see yesterday and lastly my husband for his everlasting patience during this arduous process of getting sober and now having 30 days today!
  • I have had low, low cravings in rehab/recovery.
  • When a situation arises that makes me uncomfortable, I can now step away from it, process it, and figure out why I felt the way I did.
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      Gratefully carrying forward the legacy of SOBER24, est. Dec. 4, 2000