Supporting and celebrating healthier, more loving and meaningful lives and families, free from addiction, one day and hug at a time!

Friday's Chat Recovery Meeting

6:30 pm - The Happiest Hour Meditation AA (Zoom Meeting)
8 pm - Living Recovery Nightly (Open to All!)

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Pledge Now to Live Another 24 Hours in Recovery

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  • 24 more!
  • Day 102, looking forward to 103. Count me in!
  • Another 24 toward 10 years!
  • Good morning (((Everyone))). I'm happily in with my pledge to stay sober today. Hope you all have a good and sober Wed.
  • Pledging for today
  • Grateful to pledge my 24
  • I thankfully pledge another day of sobriety
  • 🌄 Good morning, ((((( All ))))). Gratefully pledging 24 hours living recovery together with all of you. ❤️

    "I’ll choose a hard truth over a gentle lie.
    Every single time."
    -Jeanette LeBlanc
  • Pledging for today. Day 367.
  • Pledging for today.
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Sobriety Reflection Questions

Stop by this page often to ask yourself the important questions and check in on the specifics of your recovery. 

Write a Meditation for a New Hazelden Book

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One Word

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More Words

One Word not enough? Try Two Words or Seven Words(!) in the Discussions area

Coloring The Pages of Recovery



       It is always amazing how children are such great teachers and masters of life...if we just leave them alone and pay attention. I fondly remember how one afternoon my little grandaughter brought a coloring book open to a page and said, "I'm going to color this one," and then off to the table…

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10588883087?profile=RESIZE_710x "Yesterday's Home Runs don't win Today's Games"
~Babe Ruth~

       Not drinking is success. That's it in a nutshell. When anyone doesn't drink one day at a time everything that poisoned and so negatively consequenced our lives dissapates and goes away. Having accomplished what…

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Comments: 1

On This Day (#OTD)

Thought for the Day

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I'm Grateful Today Because ...

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  • I have people around me who truly care
  • I have a clearer mind
  • mending fences is possible with God
  • 22 days without substances :)
    • Keep it Simple
    • Yeah!
    • Great Job (((( Al )))) ! Glad you are with us.....and Big Congrats. Now let's do another one!
  • 1 more month in His grace
  • Just for today, I have consciousness of the gift of sobriety and good health.
  • 5 months sober - whoda thunk?
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      Gratefully carrying forward the legacy of SOBER24, est. Dec. 4, 2000